Writing a Movie Review


Core Activities

Course Outline









Use the following outline to write a review of a non-documentary movie you have watched recently.

Name of the Movie:


Type of Movie:

action, drama, comedy, horror, romance, historical, war, mystery, other _______.


Who were they? How was their acting? Why did you like or dislike it?


  1. Give a summary of the plot, (don't give the ending away).
  2. Was the story believable or unbelievable ? Did it matter?
  3. Was the ending satisfactory or unsatisfactory? Why or why not?
  4. Theme: What were the themes of the movie?
  5. What message does the movie have (if any)?

Visual Appeal:

  1. Did you like the photography? Why?
  2. Were the costumes and sets realistic?
  3. Was the location suitable?
  4. How were the special effects and stunts, if there were any?


Evaluate the effectiveness of the music of the soundtrack.

Overall Evaluation:

What were the strong and weak points of this movie?

Strong points ______________________________________________________.

Weak points ______________________________________________________.

Final Rating:

Bomb - save your money.

* Poor - go if you have nothing better to do.

** Average - nothing special.

*** Good - worth watching.

**** Excellent - don't miss it!

Use these questions as guidelines when writing a movie review, but remember to write in complete sentences and paragraphs.

For movie lovers or more experienced reviewers

Go to this web site for more in-depth ideas of how to review a movie.

If you need vocabulary for your review here are two pages with General Movie Vocabulary and Adjectives For Describing Movies.
