My Treasure
She is my daughter
She was born in 2005/8/7.She is 1 year old & 5 months.Ai means "love" and ra means "come" in japanese.We named so,because we want to she brings to all people love.And,all give her love too.
Now she can speak a little.For example,she can speak:
œ"papa"=daddy          œ (sometimes)"mama"=mommy                œ"wanwan"=puppy      œ"kaaii"=beautiful               œ"bu-"=car                   
œ "ya›€"=no!
         œ"babai"=byebye         œ"’”dai"=give me                   œ "tete"(in spanish)=milk        œ"tatata!"=(maybe)broken or leave             œ"itaitai"=ouch! @@@@           œ etc.
Now,she can do "banzai!""Let's eat""Thank you",walk on tiptoe,etc.
Can throw garbage away on the trash box. But recently she throw anything away.So I'm troubled.
One day she have her diaper on hand, and go about. When I noticed, she have had  throw her
diaper away. When I  asked she why do it, she only smiled...
So I allowed and smiled too.
Every day is happy, but sometimes is scary because you don't  know what she want to do.
I think you can know a little about Aira.
If you have the chance to meet her, please became her friend!!

Sleeping with Shimajirou 

2 months

in her
child seat

her 1 year



5 months




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