4Anything.com www.4anything.com
- A site that links to other excellent sites.
About.com www.about .com
- An excellent site with guides in 23 subjects.
Britannica www.britannica.com
- An online version of the Encyclopedia Britannica. Also has Webster's
dictionary and a thesaurus.
Internet Public Library www.ipl.org
- A small directory with good selections done by volunteer librarians.
Joe Ant www.joeant.com
- A well-organized, new directory.
The Librarians Index to the Internet www.lii.org
- An excellent site for academic or research resources.
LookSmart www.looksmart.com
- A large, well-organized site.
Open Directory http://dmoz.org
- One of the largest directories.
Yahoo! www.yahoo.com
- The largest directory. Especially good for information about pop culture.
The sunglasses indicate a non-commercial, evaluated site.