When you need to find specific information on the Internet, use a search
AllTheWeb (FAST) <http://www.alltheweb.com>
- A new search engine with an estimated database of 580 million pages.
- It is updated frequently and is a good source of current news.
AltaVista <http://www.altavista.com>
- It offers full Boolean and case-sensitive searching.
- Use search
phrases in quotation marks such as "nuclear waste disposal" to
narrow your results.
- To force a word to appear use a plus sign: "Kansas" +tornado.
Google <http://google.com>
- One of the fastest and most comprehensive search engines. Recently
added a Web directory. Has an index of 1.2 billion pages (57% of the
HotBot <http://www.hotbot.com>
- Allows you to limit your search by date, domain type (you can remove
all commercial sites by using -.com). Has an index of 500 million pages
(24% of the Web).
Lycos <http://www.lycos.com>
- A good search engine. You can search Lycos picks for the top 5% of Web
sites. Has an index of 575 million pages (27% of the Web).
Teoma <http://www.teoma.com>
- A good site for finding expert links or super sites on your subject.
Wisenut <http://www.wisenut.com>
- Indexes about 579 million pages (second in size after Google).
- WiseGuides help you to organize your searches and see patterns
of results.