- If you find a link that doesn't work
on this Web site or if you have trouble navigating from one place
to another, please tell me.
Defining Japanese
- This week we will work on writing
definitions of common aspects of Japanese culture.
- Read over the handout.
- When you choose your 3 topics, try
to pick ones that you will have to think to define, not just something
- Pick at least one abstract concept.
- Be sure to tell me who your audience
- You may choose other concepts to explain
if you wish, particularly those of you who are writing your thesis.
After you have completed your definitions,
exchange with another student, read each other's definitions and tell
each other if there's anywhere where the audience might not understand
what has been written.
- Today's composition requires you to
think very carefully about your audience.
- Go here to
see some important things to consider about audience.
Compound Sentences
- Last class we practiced using compound
sentences in compositions.
- This class we will continue to practice
using them.
- Today use at least one example of
compound sentences with coordinators in each paragraph.
- Underline each example.
Transitional Expressions
- For more advanced students,
using transitional expressions is very important in academic writing.
- Use one in each paragraph today and
underline it.
- Look at the transitional expressions
on the handout I gave you today or go here.