Journal Topics


Core Activities

Course Outline








  • Often when we write a journal, it is easy to get into the habit of writing about the same things.
  • The following topics are to help you keep exploring different topics or different ways of looking at life.
  • There is no right or wrong way of writing about the topics, so feel free to explore you thoughts wherever they take you.
  • Some of topics here may stimulate highly personal writing.
  • Write, but do not feel you need to share everything you write.
  1. Write about Sunday afternoon.
  2. Write about a time someone said, "No".
  3. You're standing in a doorway.
  4. A year after your death.
  5. Write about a day moon.
  6. Write about bathing.
  7. Once, when no one was looking . . .
  8. It's what I do in the middle of the night.
  9. Write about a ceremony.
  10. Write about a wound, physical or spiritual.
  11. You are in a motel room.
  12. Write about an acceptable loss.
  13. After midnight.
  14. Write about the horizon.
  15. It's Saturday afternoon. You're not at home.
  16. Write about a bed.
  17. Write about a time you found out about something you weren't supposed to know.
  18. Remember a sound.
  19. Write about a hot, muggy summer evening.
  20. Look out your window; write what you see.
  21. Write about something you bought mail order.
  22. Write a love letter. To anyone.
  23. Write about leaving.
  24. Shadows.
  25. Describe the contents of someone's closet.
  26. Write about a used car.
  27. Write about the sky you were born under.
  28. The end of the day.
  29. Write about a forbidden activity.
  30. "The first time I wore _______________."
  31. Write about a kiss.
  32. Find your way in a city.
  33. These are the things women know about love.
  34. Write about a black-and white-photograph.
  35. "When I awoke the next morning . . . "
  36. Write about a stranger.
  37. "Everybody loves the sound of a train in the distance. Everybody thinks it's true." (Paul Simon)
  38. Write about a river.
  39. Write about a wild-eyed dream.
  40. You hear church bells in the distance.
  41. This is how my heart was broken.
  42. Write your morning.
  43. You're moving into another house; write about the people or person who lived there before you.
  44. Write about the night sky.
  45. Write about a brief encounter.
  46. Someone gave you flowers.
  47. Blue--the colour or emotion.
  48. Write about a quilt or blanket.
  49. Close your eyes. Write about what you see.
  50. Someone's playing the radio.
  51. Write about a tattoo.
  52. These are the pleasures I have known.
  53. "By the sea, beneath the yellow and sagging moon." (Walt Whitman)
  54. Write about fireworks.
  55. The last time.
  56. What if . . .
  57. Write about a balcony.
  58. Write about choices that have changed your life.
  59. Write about hair.
  60. Write about someone who left.
  61. Write about a time you won, Big.
  62. Night
  63. Write about a secret revealed.
  64. Give me a moon story.
  65. Write about falling leaves.
  66. "You have stayed too long."
  67. Write about stealing something.
  68. Write about a longing.
  69. Write about a justifiable sin.
  70. "If I had my way . . ."
  71. Write about small injuries.
  72. On the eve of the funeral.
  73. Write about promises that were broken.
  74. You're in the back seat of a taxi.
  75. This is a map to where I live.
  76. Write about a fortune teller.
  77. Write about taking the long way round.
  78. Write about getting caught in the act.
  79. Write what you didn't do.
  80. There were signs and signals.
  81. "The last time I saw _______,"
  82. Write about something astonishing.
  83. Every morning.
  84. Write about your mother's cooking.
  85. A message for my grandchildren.
  86. It was a rainy day.
  87. Write about eating a meal.
  88. Write about what you'll miss when you die.
  89. Write about a town you passed through.
  90. Write about your father's hands.
  91. You're asleep. You're not at home.
  92. "I still don't know . . ."
  93. Write about a body part.
  94. Write about a time you changed your mind.
  95. Write about slumming.
  96. These are the things men/women don't know about love.
  97. Write about falling from grace.
  98. Write about what's under your house.
  99. Just beyond the edge of the woods.
  100. Write about a time you did something you didn't want to do.
  101. Write about meeting someone for the first time.
  102. Something seemed different.
  103. One thing can't be denied.
  104. Write about falling snow.
  105. Write about a year ago.
  106. You hear music in the background.
  107. Once, with another woman . . .
  108. Write about a time you wanted to leave but couldn't.
  109. Write about secrets revealed.
  110. Write about an injury.
  111. Write about circling the edge.
  112. Write about falling.
  113. Write about a sin.
  114. "Some things you'll never forget."
  115. Write about a cold snap.
  116. Write about a premonition.
  117. Write about a time you gave someone a present.
  118. Write about abandoned houses.
  119. Write about a reflection.
  120. Ten years ago . . .
  121. You're in a hotel lobby.
  122. Write about an uncomfortable night.
  123. Write a place you know, but not well.
  124. One day, . . .
  125. Write about something you see every day.
  126. You're listening to the radio.
  127. It's snowing.
  128. Write about a time someone said yes.
  129. Before I was born.
  130. If I could do it over again.
  131. You hear a siren.
  132. Write about something to hold on to.
  133. Write about a silence.
  134. Once, when I was . . .
  135. Revenge . . .
  136. What are you looking for?
  137. Write about small regrets.
  138. You are standing on one side of a closed door.
  139. Write about something that came in a box.
  140. This is the voice of my body.
  141. Rising early to begin the journey.
  142. Write about a compromise.
  143. Write about mistaken identity.
  144. "Afterward, I thought about . . ."
  145. These were the doubts I had.
  146. Write about a dinner party.
  147. When the dust settles.
  148. Write about an island.
  149. It's who you met at a party.
  150. Out of the corner of my eye.
  151. In the heat of the afternoon.
  152. Someone's playing the piano.
  153. Write about a pair of shoes.
  154. Write about a letter.
  155. Write about an hour of the day
  156. This is what you can see by starlight.
  157. It was Sunday, the time it happened.
  158. Write about the making of beds.
  159. This is where I went wrong.
  160. Write about small change.
  161. Write about high tide.
  162. "Long afterward, I came upon it again . . . "
  163. The possibilities are endless.
  164. There sere frequently asked questions.
  165. Write about the inevitable.
  166. Write about a voice.
  167. Write about a time you cried.
  168. A message for my grandparents.
  169. So it has come to this.
  170. It was his/her idea of a good time.
  171. Write about a gate.
  172. Write what you wanted to do.
  173. Write about a postcard.
  174. It was as if . . .
  175. "Throw away the lights, the definitionas/and say of what you see in the dark." (after Wallace Stevens).
  176. Write about a theft.
  177. Write about an epiphany.
  178. It was that kind of day.
  179. Half an hour before sunrise.
  180. Write about forgiveness.
  181. In a state of disarray.
  182. Write about a recurring dream.
  183. Write about a time you got what you wanted.
  184. Write about passing time.
  185. Write about packing a suitcase.
  186. The first time I saw ________.
  187. Write about being late.
  188. Write about a conversation.
  189. Write about asking for mercy.
  190. A free-for-all.
  191. You're in a movie theatre.
  192. Every night, . . .
  193. Write about a scent.
  194. Write about an eclipse.
  195. Somebody makes a promise.
  196. Write about a tool.
  197. Write about coming home.
  198. Write about a time you were misunderstood.
  199. Write about a bedroom.
  200. If only, . . .
  201. Write about a summer night.
  202. "I was listening to something I heard before."
  203. Someone is calling your name.
  204. Write about something that was stolen.
  205. Write about leaving home.
  206. On the other side.
  207. I've never seen his/her face.
  208. This is what the neighbours saw.
  209. Write about something that made you cry.
  210. And when autumn finally arrived.
  211. Write about careless days.
  212. Aftershocks of the full moon.
  213. "Sleeping Where I Fall." (After Peter Coyote)
  214. Nothing has changed.
  215. Write about the silent treatment.
  216. At the other end of the street.
  217. Write about stealing time.
  218. Write about an overheard remark.
  219. You picked up a hitchhiker.
  220. Something's burning.
  221. Write about being on the inside.
  222. Write about the morning after.
  223. Write about what has yet to happen.
  224. You are in the backyard.
  225. Write about a dangerous ride.
  226. My mother once told me . . .
  227. ". . . and her red hair lit the wall." (after Victor Hugo)
  228. "It's my belief we're all crazy" (after Trudy the bag lady)
  229. Write a December memory.
  230. "It was Sunday morning." (after Sharon Olds)
  231. Write about your neighbourhood at 5 p.m.
  232. You eavesdrop on a conversation. What do you hear?
  233. The time between dusk and dawn.
  234. Write about a fragrance.
  235. Write about a place you long for.
  236. _________ is the colour I remember.
  237. Write about a car trip.
  238. Write about a time someone went too far.
  239. I don't remember.
  240. In a cemetery.
  241. Write about someone who sinned.
  242. "For as long as she lives, and probably longer, she will never forget his face." (after Alison Moore)
  243. Write about something you would do differently.
  244. Write about a purchase.
  245. It's raining now.
  246. Write about a time someone lost control.
  247. Accept loss forever. (after Jack Kerouac)
  248. Write a daydream.
  249. "In the blue night frost haze . . . " (after Gary Snyder)
  250. Write about a time someone surprised you.
  251. Write about a door key.
  252. Write about a simple pleasure.
  253. Night is falling. You're not at home.
  254. Write about a time the lights went out.
  255. Write about a time you did something out of supersition.
  256. The night won't save anyone.
  257. Write about a rendezvous.
  258. On the night train to _________.
  259. Write about never and always.
  260. Write about taking a detour.
  261. Three things my father/mother told me.
  262. Write about a fragment.
  263. Write about small mistakes.
  264. You're in a cafe.
  265. Losing control.
  266. "_______ are my weakness." (after Pam Houston)
  267. "In those day, . . . " (after Roger Aplon)
  268. It was as far as I could go.
  269. Write a summer memory.
  270. Write about a pillow.
  271. Write about being in a closed space.
  272. Write about promises you made.
  273. You're driving in your car.
  274. When I opened my mouth to sing . . .
  275. Write about a hideout.
  276. Write about jealousy.
  277. Someone says, "Can I see you in the kitchen?"
  278. Write about a bruise.
  279. I come from . . .
  280. These are the lies I told you.
  281. There is a place called ________.
  282. Write about small scrapes and bruises.
  283. Write about "what goes on without saying."
  284. Write what the darkess proposes.
  285. "It was a summer of blue-black nights." (after Don DeLillo)
  286. I'm at a loss . . ."
  287. "What will happen can't be stopped." (after Ann Beattie)
  288. Write about someone who has passed to the other side.
  289. Write about casting a spell.
  290. I dreamed _________.
  291. Write about yearning.
  292. The sun is rising.
  293. Write about divine intervention.
  294. You're eating breakfast.
  295. Secretely, I know my name is _____.
  296. Write about electricity in the air.
  297. It's what I do at 2:30 in the morning when I can't sleep.
  298. Write about where rivers join.
  299. Write about a song you love.
  300. This is what can happen when _____.
  301. Remember an afternoon.
  302. "The window had other views." (after Wislawa Szymborska)
  303. Write about what's obvious.
  304. Write about the last night of _____.
  305. Write of something done in a small moment.
  306. These were the reasons to stay.
  307. Write about being lost along the way.
  308. Write about the booth in the corner.
  309. Returning takes too long.
  310. "You can never go back."
  311. Write about a hesitation.
  312. Write about being underwater.
  313. Write about opening a gift.
  314. Write about your favourite time of day.
  315. Write about the fault line.
  316. This is what was left when he/she was gone.
  317. Write about a sudden storm.
  318. One Saturday night, . . .
  319. Write about avenues of escape.
  320. A woman/man named ___________.
  321. Write about an invitation refused.
  322. . . . and nobody objected.
  323. I recall that evening together.
  324. Write about an unforeseen friendship.
  325. Write about a series of mishaps.
  326. This is what she said.
  327. Write about hard times.
  328. Write about winter constellations.
  329. Behind lace curtains.
  330. Write about seeing someone for the last time.
  331. Write about a late night phone call.
  332. I carried it in my pocket.
  333. This is the difference between men and women.
  334. Write about a street you lived on.
  335. Write about a red convertible.
  336. Write about a redheaded woman.
  337. Write about masks.
  338. You are in a church.
  339. Write about what you didn't say.
  340. Write about a scar.
  341. It's Sunday mroning. The phone rings.
  342. Write about something you want but cannot have.
  343. Write about a fire.
  344. Write about something sacred.
  345. Write about a time someone told you a secret.
  346. If I tell you the truth . . .
  347. These are the delicacies of a ruined evening.
  348. A random light.
  349. In anticipation of the night.
  350. Write about promises broken.
  351. Write about the last light of day.
  352. Write about a secret collection.
  353. Write what whispers your name in the night.
  354. Write about a whole night of madness.
  355. This is where I've been.
  356. Write about jet lag.

Adapted from A Writer's Book of Days by Judy Reeves, Novalto, California: New World Library, 1999.
