Exercise Key
- Decide which of the following sentences
is the topic sentence and label it TS.
- Put the remaining sentences into
a logical order and number them.
It is in vocabulary that the English
language in Canada has undergone the greatest change, largely because
of the settlers' need for new words to describe new things. Vocabulary
may be increased in predictable ways: words are borrowed from other
languages; existing words are given new meanings; new compounds are
created; people and places give their names to things with which
they are associated. Canadian English has used all these ways. Borrowings
from the Canadian native peoples include moose, muskeg, caribou and
chipmunk. From the Inuit come parka, mukluk, kayak, umiak and igloo.
From Inuit also comes tupek, the skin tent that is the Inuit equivalent
of the Indian wigwam or tepee.
(From: "English Language." The 1999
Canadian Encyclopedia World Edition. CD-ROM. Toronto: McClelland & Stewart
Inc., 1998.)
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Topic Sentence.