all sentences with a similar pattern, makes our writing appear boring.
Sentence variety rather than merely writing longer sentences is an
important way to keep our readers' interest in what we are writing.
Vary sentence openings:
1. Open sentences with transitional expressions:
- Nevertheless, we still must complete the project
before Friday.
- In fact, they have never visited Kagoshima,
just read about it.
2. Open sentences with introductory phrases:
- After a sleepless night, I finally called
my neighbour to complain.
- Laughing hard, I watched the latest Jim Carey
- To make it to work on time, I had to get up
at 5:30 a.m.
- Defiant and angry, the mob marched to the
conference site.
- Slowly and cautiously, I opened the door to
my over-filled closet.
- Gracefully, the dancer moved across the floor.
- Our minds made up, we bought a new iMac computer.
3. Open sentences with adverb clauses:
- When the doorbell rang, I was just getting
out of the shower.
- Because of the long drive, we were tired and
hungry when we arrived.
Combine sentences:
1. Form compound sentences:
- Dark clothing protects us from UV-rays, but
light clothing is cooler.
- Trucks usually burn diesel; cars gasoline.
- Jack did not like to study; however, he needed
to graduate.
2. Form complex sentences:
- The dog which we love got hit by a car.
- The students asked the university when the
entrance exam was.
- Because we exercised every day, we lost 6
kilos over the summer.
Use inverted word
- On a forgotten shelf in the museum lay a Rembrandt
- Particularly impressive was his command of
written English.
Use commands, questions,
and quotations:
- Consider the consequences.
- Unless we reduce CO2 emissions how can we
avoid global warming?
- "He jumped on his horse and rode madly off
in all directions."
Here are some links to exercises in writing different
kinds of sentences.
Start by going to the sentence
patterns page to review the different
types of sentences.
Then look at the information about different
types of English sentences below.
| Compound
Sentences | Complex
Sentences | Compound/Complex Sentences
| Parallelism