- In Communicative Writing you will have considerable
freedom in choosing what you will write.
- Therefore, when submitting compositions you
must follow the format below carefully.
- When I read your compositions, I need to know
what topic you have chosen and what genre of composition you are
writing so I can respond appropriately.
Paper size
- You may use either A4 or B5 paper.
- Write on one side only.
Assignment Identification
- In the upper left-hand corner of the paper,
write the name of the composition you are writing.
- In the upper right-hand corner, write your
name, student number and the date you are submitting the composition.
- Centre the title on the top line of the first
- You may hand-write compositions or type them
on a computer.
- Begin writing the body of the composition
on the third line after skipping a line.
- Indent the first line of each paragraph 2.5
centimeters or about 5 spaces.
- Hand-write on every other line, or triple
space on a comuter.
- Leave 2.5 centimetre margins on the left and
right side of the page.
- Write the line numbers every 5 lines.
Electronic Submission of Compositions
- See this page for
information on sending me your composition electronically.
Catching My Attention
During class this year I will ask you to try
different techniques when writing your compositions, for example,
using complex sentences and conjunctive
adverbs. When you submit your composition,
be sure to underline the places in your writing where you have experimented
with a new technique and I will pay special attention to it when
I read and respond to your writing.