Writing January 11, 2003
- Today is the last class of the year. I have enjoyed meeting
you and teaching you.
- We will finish up various parts of the course today.
- Please give me all of your compositions you have written this
year, so I can see what you have done.
- Re-read your compositions and make any further changes you
- Tell me the easiest way to return your compositions to you
after I've given you your mark.
- If you wrote your journal in a notebook, please show me
everything you have written this year.
- If you sent me your journal electronically, I have a record of
what you wrote, so you don't need to do anything more.
Course Evaluation
- I will give you a paper so you can tell me what you think of
Communicative Writing this year.
Today's composition
- You may spend the time revising the compositions you have done
this year.
- You may write a new composition.