
  1. You will be required to keep a journal in a notebook or on computer this year.
  2. Usually you will write your journal at home, but sometimes I will give you a special journal assignment in class.
  3. You will need two notebooks because I will keep one to respond to while you are writing in the other.
  4. You should submit your journal every week, either by e-mail ( or by sending it with one of the staff from the satellite campus during the week.


A journal is not busy work. One of the important ways of learning to write, is to write frequently. In your journals you will practice writing extensively, i.e., writing a lot, to develop fluency in writing.

Other purposes include:

Journaling Topics and Techniques

  1. What did you see?
  2. What did you smell?
  3. What did you hear?
  4. What did you taste?
  5. What did you feel?
  1. Practical questions
  2. Direction in your life
  3. Questions about relationships
  4. Philosophical questions


  1. I will read your journals but will not correct mistakes, but if you have a question about a word or group of words, mark it with a "?" and I will check it. I will read and comment on what you say or answer questions.
  2. The word journal was brought into English from Middle French where its meaning was "daily". Therefore, I would encourage you to write every day; however, the least you should write is 10 lines 3 times a week.
  3. Be sure to put the day and date for each journal entry.
  4. Remember: Because other students and I will be reading your journal, do not include any very personal information you do not want us to read.