To give examples
for example to illustrate specifically for instance In fact
To show that you are going to give more information
and further moreover also furthermore too besides in addition
To show where information fits in a sequence
and then in the second place next again first last finally second in the first place third
To show how ideas are related in time
after formerly presently after a while immediately shortly afterward in the meantime simultaneously at last in the past soon at length later then at that time lately thereafter before meanwhile until earlier next when finally now while
To show that one idea is similar to another (comparison)
also in the same way likewise in the same manner similarly
To show that one idea conflicts with or contradicts another (contrast)
but instead regardless even so nevertheless still for all that nonetheless yet however on the contrary in contrast on the other hand
To show that you are summarizing or concluding
all in all in short therefore in brief in summary to conclude in conclusion to sum up to summarize
To show how things are related physically in space
above here there below nearby to the east beyond opposite to the left elsewhere to the right to the north farther on to the south to the west
To show that one idea or event is caused by another
accordingly hence therefore as a result so consequently to this end