Techniques: SPRE/R and Cubing
Below are two invention techniques to help
you think of ways to approach your composition. Use the questions to
generate and organize ideas.
- What is the present
- How did it come about?
- What are its characteristics?
- Is there a problem?
- What is it?
- How can the problem be dealt
- What alternative solutions are
- What constraints are there on each
possible solution?
- Which of the solutions is likely to be
the best?
- What would be the result of applying any
of the solutions?
Cubing involves approaching a topic from six
different points of view (that is, the six sides of a
- Describe:
Examine the topic closely. Can it be described physically in
colours, shapes, sizes, etc.? List its characteristics, its parts,
or its qualities.
- Compare:
To what is the topic similar? To what can it be contrasted?
Explain the similarities and differences in particular
- Associate:
Of what dos the topic make you think? Of what does it remind
you? List the things with which you associate it. In what ways is
it associated with them?
- Analyze:
Identify and categorize the
topic's characteristics, its parts or its qualities. Explain how
its components fit together.
- Apply:
How can the topic be used? What can be done with it? Apply it to
some situation, person, or concept.
- Argue:
Take a stand for or against the topic. List as many reasons to
justify your position as you can. Then take an opposing view and
build an argument supporting it.