To Revision
Ideas and
- My paper has a clear purpose or makes a
- I use clear, relevant details and
examples to help the reader understand my message.
- I stick to the main idea (or ideas) and
leave out details that do not matter.
- I have thought about my topic carefully
and feel as if I know what I'm talking about.
- The way I've started my paper is
effective; it would make the reader want to keep
- I've told things in an order that makes
sense and makes it easy to follow what I'm saying.
- The details in my paper go together or
lead up to some bigger idea, main point, or
- My paper ends well; it doesn't just stop
suddenly, but it doesn't drag on too long either.
- I've written in a way that shows how I
really think and feel about this topic.
- I like what I've written; it's fun to
- I've put something of myself into this
paper and it sounds like me -- not like someone else.
- I've given some thought to what the
reader will think and feel while reading this.
Word Choice
- It's easy to picture what I'm talking
about; the words paint a picture in the reader's mind.
- I wasn't sarisfied with words or phrases
I've heard many times before; I've tried to find my own way to say
- My writing sounds natural; it sounds like
- Sometimes I've tried saying something in
a new or a different way; I've had fun with the
Sentence Fluency
- My sentences make sense; the meaning of
each one is clear, and there are no words left out.
- My sentences have variety; some are
longer than others, and they do not all begin the same
- I've read my paper over and I like the
way it sounds; it's smooth and easy to read.
- I've proofread my paper and corrected any
errors in spelling punctuation, or grammar.
- My paragraphs begin in the right
- I've used capital letters to begin
sentences and on all proper nouns (names of persons, places, or
- Correct spelling, punctuation, grammar,
capitalization, and paragraphing would make this paper easy for
anyone to pick up and read out loud.
From: Creating Writers: Linking Assessment
& Writing. Vicki Spandel & Richard J. Stiggins, Longman:
White Plains N.Y., 1990, pp. 99-100