Yourself On-line
The Internet is not a very dangerous place (compared, say, to driving a kei-car on the Tomei), but there are several things to be careful about.
Spam is electronic junk mail. Go here for more information on avoiding it.
1. Do not give out any personal details such as your:
- complete name,
- home address,
- phone number,
- photograph,
- where you work or go to school (if it is someone within Japan).
2. If people cannot find you, they cannot hurt you, stalk you, or annoy you with phone calls.
Web Friendships
1. Actually meeting a person you know only from the Internet can be dangerous.2. It is easy to lie about who you are on the Internet, so you do not know if the person you will meet is who he/she says he/she is.
3. If you do meet someone, go with friends, and meet in daylight in a place with lots of people around.