Letters to the Editor
Look at the letters to the editor below and see how they introduce the subject and give their opinion. Then write your own letter on one of these topics.
The Ehime-maru Investigation
I would like to express my strong displeasure with the result of the Ehime-maru investigation. While former commander Waddle was found guilty, his punishment was far too light. Furthermore, he was allowed to wait six months before retiring. This allows him to receive his full pension. Had he been a civilian bus driver who ran into a van carrying students and teachers killing 9 of them, his punishment would have been far more severe. The U.S. Navy is merely protecting its own people.
A Real World Series
Major League Baseball has become much more exciting this year with the addition of some of the top Japanese players. Seeing so many great players from so many countries makes me feel it is time to have a true World Series where players would represent their home country, not their professional team. Soccer has had the World Cup for years. The World Ice Hockey Championships include teams from many countries. Having a tournament with teams from the United States, Japan, Cuba, Canada, Korea, the Dominican Republic, etc. would increase the world-wide appeal of baseball. Lets do it!
The Cost of the Shizuoka Airport
The construction of the new Shizuoka Airport is continuing, but there are many questions about it that have not been answered. The survey of the airports economic feasibility was carried out 10 years ago, near the end of the bubble economy. Newspapers regularly report about regional airports losing money and having to cut landing fees to attract airlines. As a Shizuoka tax-payer, I am worried that the airport will cost us much money that could be better spent on education or care for the elderly. We need a new investigation of how much the airport will really cost.