Name of the Movie:Director:Type of Movie:action, drama, comedy, horror, romance, historical, war, mystery, other _______. Stars:Who were they? How was their acting? Why did you like or dislike it? Plot:
Visual Appeal:
Soundtrack:Evaluate the effectiveness of the music of the soundtrack. Overall Evaluation:What were the strong and weak points of this movie? Strong points ______________________________________________________. Weak points ______________________________________________________. Final Rating:Bomb - save your money. * Poor - go if you have nothing better to do. ** Average - nothing special. *** Good - worth watching. **** Excellent - don't miss it! Use these questions as guidelines when writing a movie review, but remember to write in complete sentences and paragraphs. For movie lovers or more experienced reviewers Go to this web site for more in-depth ideas of how to review a movie. If you need vocabulary for your review here are two pages with General Movie Vocabulary and Adjectives For Describing Movies. |