English Composition: Some Cross-cultural Considerations

Japanese-English Contrasts

1. English tends to be writer responsible.

2. Japanese tends to be a reader-responsible.

Patterns of Organization

Oi, in her comparison of the rhetorical patterns of arguments written by Japanese and American writers found a number of interesting contrasts. I have included two of the important ones below.

Hedges versus Hyperbole

General to Specific versus Specific to General


There is nothing wrong with writing using a Japanese form of organization, as long as you are writing in Japanese. However, when you write in English, you must learn the customs of English composition.


Hinds, John. (1987). Reader versus writer responsibility: A new typology. In U. Connor and R.B.Kaplan (eds.) Writing Across Languages: Analysis of L2 Text. Reading, Mass.: Addison-Wesley Publishing Company.

Oi, Kyoko. (ND). Cross-cultural Differences in Rhetorical Patterning: A Study of Japanese and English. JACET Bulletin. (17), pp. 23-48.