Birthday: Augst
13th (that's why I am Summer girl)
Blood type:
O+ (It is same as sheep :)
My favourite: taking a funny picture(as you see top of these pictures),
take a nap, read a novel and my lovely bird
My favourite food: cooked tomato foods
I hate: nothing
my short story
I was born in Shimizu and grew up in Shimizu. My life is not so simple
because when I was 0 to 7 years old,
I had moved many places around Asia, followed my dad's business
trip. To be honest, I was difficult to say this experience was fun.
I saw many poor countries of Asia even though, I was little
girl. However I changed my mind that It was a good experience to see
real and truth.
my bird story
you know what? I can't
tell my story without my honey.
I keep a parakeet now. he is cute:p He is capable of speeking many
words because I tought it him hardly.
His body has very beautiful sheen.Lovely isn't he?
I ought to be ashamed of myself, I like smell his body. Do you
know that? some doctors admit that parakeet's body smell has a power of
making human relax. I agree with this reserch work.
Last year, I visited Hawaii for
8nights, 10days. Please visit next page too
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