Hello! My name is Kousuke Naito. I'm 21 years old. I live in Shimada
city. Shimada is famous for green tea. I of course drink every day!!
My hobby are shopping and listen to music. My favorite music is Raggae
I listen to this music every time. For example, driving a car, in the room,
and taking the train.
And I often change hair style. I changedmy hair at
the end of the day. This hairstyle taked
6 hour!! My friend and her friend plaited. Generally its cost is 60000yen.
But, I paid only 10000yen. It's very cheep!! I thanks for my friends!!
......But, this hairstyle was very heavy and hurt!! The first day, I couldn't
sleep. Most problem was itch!! I couldn't endure...
Finally, I cut after 1 week. that time's hairstyle was this.
It liked worm!!
And now,My hair is butch hair cut.