™Self introduction™
My name is Masayo Ohhashi.
Ifm in the third of Tokoha
Gakuen University. Ifm majoring in English
Language. My birthday is November 28th, 1985. Ifm 21 years old. My blood
type is B. Ifm from Iwata city and live there. I commute between Iwata and
It takes about two hours.
There are 5 people in my
family. My grand father, father, mother, old brother and me. My grand father
is 90 years old. He is very fine!! He likes Shigin and painting. My father
is 60 years old and my mother is 56 years old and my brother is 32 years old.
My brother is eleven years older than I am. We donft have pets. But I like
animals. I want to have animals as pets.