

 Hi!  I'm R.Suzuki. Welcome to my homepage! I'm very glad to see you! This homepage is made by Internet English class. Though it is a simple page, please enjoy my homepage. And I'll intriduce my profile in this below.

-- Profile --

  Name: R.Suzuki

  Birthday: March 29th

  Favorite food: Almost Japanese food.

  My motto: Practice makes perfect.

  Hobbies: Watchng motor sports, driving a car, taking a photograph, reading magazines and novels and sometimes fishing.

  Favorite places and buildings: Yo-ga promenade(Setagaya-ku, Tokyo), Izu-Kougen, Shizuoka prefectural museum and Kawasaki city museum.

  Favorite radio stations: Tokyo FM, FM Yokohama, K-MIX, TBS radio, Nippon Culutural Broadcasting and Nippon Broadcasting.

  Favorite racing team: Honda Racing F1 Team.

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