About Me

Name : Sachi Handa

Birthday : March 16th

Bloodtype : AB

Hobbies : listening, reading , doing Calligraphy and etc...
                                                                                   Contact :  u052234m@tokoha-u.ac.jp      TOP

I've lived most of my life largely in Shizuoka ken and Tokyo,

Both of witch I think wonderful.

Growing up in Fiji shi, Shiuzuoka. There is a beautiful mountain
called " Mt. Fuji " in my hometown.

It is fabulous beyond description.

My leisure time is to spend listening , watching movies and doing

When I have time in the night, I do calligraphy with peaceful Erhu songs.
I fell in love with lisning them. This is my great happiness.

This image reminds me of the Autumn leaves in Kyoto.
Kyoto is also my favorite place to visit.

The  old wooden houses and Geisha districts " The life of Geisha "
There are some beautiful architecture which attract many people
every year. But the obvious difference in Kyoto is the langauge,
even it is Japanese. The mystery of  Kyoto....
I feel I've only scratched the surface in  terms of things to see
and do in Kyoto.

Thank  you.
Sachi Handa