
Name:Tomohisa Hayakawa

Birthday:December 4th ,1986

Birth place : Yaizu

Constellation: Sagittarius

Bloodtype: O

Hobby:Playing Basketball, Traveling ,Driving ,Of cource  Drinking

 Now , I belong to the Sports club in the Tokoha Gakuen University.It's a basketball club.
It is held once a week. But we do our best at that time .You will be surprised at our play when you see it. We act attractive plays.It's so exciting

  I go to a foreign country at least once a year. When I am a freshman , I went to the New York. It is a first time to go abroad. I was so excited. I will talk about it next time .
When I am a sophomore, I went to the Victria in Canada as a studying abroad.

 I had stayed for a month. I spoke to many people. It was so interesting. I stayed with a family.They were kind and interesting . I think they are my family . Sometimes I send an e-mail to them.Now I am planning to go to the Europe. I want to see thier culture and the sceneries.And I would like to go around the Europe.