Jamie & Stu's show was fantastic!! I don't remember the whole thing though.
But I can
remember one thing:
Jamie was joking about Japan!
He was also the
stand-up comedian.
Mary told me
to shout and then I could stand out and they would notice me.....
thought that would be a big surprise for them.
Eventually I couldn't
because I was too shy.
When he said "You know, Japan has no English in it. No English,no Spanish.....",
I should've said something like this:
"Many people in Japan are learning foreign
languages especially
English and Spanish!"
Then Stu appeared as a guest and they did a beatbox and rap because they didn't have the track on CD.
Because Stu forgot to bring it!!
They were fantastic beatboxers and rappers
After the show ended, we met Bill Dawes, one of the opening performers
before Jamie and Stu.
After that, we went to the autograph session in the backstage.
were Jamie,Stu,and a woman who was wearing the yellow T-shirt and
selling many merchandise.
A lot of people lined up to buy those
merchandise and get the autograph.
We lined up too and we knew that
woman who was selling the merchandise was Stu's sister Dena!!
Dena told us to leave the line to wait for
After that, we got to meet Jamie,Stu,and Dena!!
We kept hugging, talking, and taking a lot of pictures. That was
more of a fun night!!
30 minutes later, Jamie, Stu, and Dena had to say goodbye to us because
they had the next show in the Comedy Connection.
It was 8 pm in Boston.
Stu said, "Alright. I have to go, because I have
the next show coming
Thanks for coming, and I hope to see you in LA(Los Angeles)
sometime...... It was great to meet you!"
Then he kissed me on the back
of my hand. It was a good-bye kiss...... I was about to faint when he
did that!!
Then we left the Comedy Connection, and Spencer drove me to the hotel I
I said goodbye to Mary, Spencer, and Vernie in front of the
hotel. We hugged saying good-bye.
That's all for my story.
I still remember this experience and sometimes miss my friends.
I've decided to go to U.S.A. again to see
them. That's one of my dreams.
I will study English and save my money to let my dream come true!!