How do you save the Earth for our future?

Today, we have a lot of problem caused by the Global Warming. For example, sea level rising, abnormal weather, and the extinction of many creatures.(100species per a day) There is a report from Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) IPCC is meeting of scientist all over the world to take measures of Global Warming.

According to the IPCC reports, if we keep the life as much as now, there is possibility that Earth temperature will rise 6.S in the 100 years later. If it rise 6.4, what will be happen around us?

According to the Stain report, to rise 2 makes the extinction of 15`40% living creatures. To rise 3 makes a part of Amazon or the whole area decayed, and more than a billion people suffer from water shortage. To rise 4 causes serious damage to food product and increase hunger all over the world. Further, metropolises located at the coastline (eg, London, New York and Tokyo) are damaged by sea level rising.

According to the news paper gIndependenth report which made being based on Stain report, to rise 5.4 makes sea level 5 meters up. If it keeps along time, Ice on the Earth will vanish, and makes sea level 70 meters up. It will extinguish even food on the Earth. To rise 6.4 brings deaths to almost all creatures equally.

How do you feel to hear this report? Do you give up without doing anything?

As mentioned above, our future is NOT blight. As we are, we are the only harmful insect parasitism on the earth. We do not need to accept this future, because we are the human being. We have the power to change the future. Now, letfs start to think how to save the earth.  

In the IPCC report, it is written as follows gIf we realize it and active to improve environment, we can stop the Global Warming only 1`2 rising.h

Do you know a story of hamming bird? This is a story of aborigines in South Africa.

One day, a forest fire occurred. Animals live in the forest run away from there rushingly. However only a hamming bird named kulikindy kept carrying a drop of water with his small bill
 and trying to extinguish the fire.

Other animals chaffed

and said

gWhat do you do ?h

Just then he answered that

gI am only doing what I can do.h

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